I am a sikh

by 11:13 PM 0 comments

Who is a Sikh ?

     The word Sikh (pronounced "sickh") means 'disciple' or 'learner.' Known as a Khalsa. 
          Sikhs believe in three basic principles.
 1-Meditating on the name of God (praying).
2- Earning a living by honest means as well as sharing the fruits of one’s labour with other.
3- Sikhism rejects caste and class systems and emphasises service to humanity. 

 Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded in the sikhism in northern India in the fifteenth century and is distinct from Islam and Hinduism.  Sikhism is monotheistic and stresses the equality of all men and women. Turbans are worn to cover our long hair and with respect to God.  Sikhs have uncut hair,unshaven beards and moustaches.  The Sikh faith teaches us the humanitarian principles of freedom, equality in human being, and justice - the same principles this great democracy is founded on.  
           Guru Nanak , taught a message of love. He spoke of a universal God- Ik Onkaar.
Five K is a identity of a Sikh... 

    What is the identity of a Sikh ?

  • KESH- Unshorn hair as a gift of God and Guru and a mark of Sikh identity. A Sikh need to wear unshorn beard and moustache.   
  • KANAGHA- A small comb for the hair. When a sikh grow his hairs then he need to care of that so keep his own comb to care of his hairs.
  • KADHA-  A steel bracelet which signifies a reality with no beginning and no end, and is also symbolic of a Sikh’s commitment to the ideals of his faith, much as wedding ring might indicate fealty and identity. Wear in right hand and whenver a sikh do any work and gave his right hand then KADHA will indicate you are a sikh, how this work will help to anyone or not ?
  • KRIPAAN-  a sword indicative of resolve and commitment to justice, and
  • KACHERHA- knee-length breeches in keeping with the disciplined life-style of a Sikh.


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