Principles of Sikhism

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What are the principles of Sikhism ?

Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh Guru, taught three fundamental principles:

·         Kirat Karo - Work hard and honestly, Guru Nanak said nature created you to do something not to just sit in the Jungle to remember the God, so complete your duties you born for. God never be happy to make to separate form your social responsibilities. Means- stay with your family do all necessary work for your family this is your priority of work.

·         Wand Ke Chhako - Share what you have with the needy. Mean of this is how much food you have, you share with a needy or your responsible persons.

·         Naam Jappo - Always remember God throughout the day. Work is your priority and doing your work keep in mind name of God. Remember the name of God in your mind he is always with you. Not need to leave your work for remember the name of God.


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